sábado, abril 21, 2007

Wikindx, WikiBook i NWiki

I'm a student or researcher and looking for bibliographic software that...
  • can manage all my bibliographic data allowing me to search through them with an accuracy and speed that cannot be duplicated with index cards.
  • enables me to store unlimited quotes, paraphrases and thoughts and to efficiently cross-reference them in a searchable database.
  • is free, stable and open source allowing me to cast off the shackles of commercial, licensed software.
  • supports non-English multi-byte character sets.
  • runs on all major operating systems (*NIX, OsX, Windows).
  • runs not only on a desktop computer but also on a web server so I can access my bibliography from any networked point or share my bibliography with my research team.
  • allows multiple attachments for each bibliographic resource.
  • can export my bibliography in various bibliographic styles (APA, Chicago, IEEE for example).
  • allows me to edit or create bibliographic styles through a graphical interface.
  • integrates a WYSIWYG word processor with easy importation of quotes etc. so that at long last I can write an article, from draft through to publication with automatic citation formatting, entirely within the one software.
  • at the click of a mouse button will reformat my article to another citation style whether that style uses footnotes, endnotes or in-text citation.
  • can import and export other bibliographic formats including BibTeX or Endnote format.
  • supports multiple users.

WIKINDX is all this and more.

Després d'un copy/paste de la presentació de Wikindx, dir que la gent de Moodle ja està pensant en la seva integració. I no tant sols això, va ser una de les propostes del Google Summer of Code. Per desgràcia, jo no me'n vaig enterar fins un cop assignades les places i ningú va demanar de fer-la.

Si algún en vol fer proves, aquesta es una bona pàgina: http://www.sirfragalot.com/wikindx3/

És una pena que no es faci encara la integració, i més que no la faci jo aquest estiu, $$$$$$$... Em sembla que un mòdul com aquest, amb una bona API, podria ser un bon complement per al WikiBook: crear pàgines de bibliogràfia, insertar quotes a la wiki, etc.

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